Provide your login details below and login to continue your application

Create an account or register with Imam Hamzat College of Education


Online Registration

Complete the registration form by providing the required information as indicated and click on Start Application to start. Once you initiate or start the application you will be asked to confirm and provide your O`Level information depending on the Mode of Entry you picked then click on Create an Account. Once you create an account or register with Imam Hamzat College of Education PDE program, you will be automatically logged in.

PDE Mode of Entry:- Your Login ID is Application ID (will be automatically generated i.e a unique application number would be assigned to you) when you have completed the registration and your surname (last name) is your password.

The application number should be used as the username while the applicant’s surname (last name) is maintained as the password which can be changed to a stronger one later by you.


PDE apllication payments should made to FCMB Bank.
  • Account Name: Imam Hamzat College of Education
  • Account Number: 5122622021
  1. Imam Hamzat COED is not responsible for any wrong payments
  2. Ensure you read instructions very well before proceeding to payment.


Admission into Imam Hamzat College of Education is based on merit. Applicants are expected to possess minimum O’level, or other entry requirements.

  1. Applicants seeking admission into Imam Hamzat College of Education PDE program are to ensure that all information entered about them are true and correct to the best of their knowledge.
  2. Applicants seeking admission into Imam Hamzat College of Education PDE program must first visit https://www.imamhamzatcoed.edu.ng/sportal/pde/ for stipulated entry requirements, and then follow the instructions to proceed with an online application.
For further enquiry, contact helpdesk@imamhamzatcoed.edu.ng
Or Call on: 09067333351